- Directed By:
- Richard Gray
- Starring:
- Nick Farnell, Autry Haydon-Wilson, Scottie Thompson, Devon Bagby
- Genre:
- Thriller
- Language:
- English
- Status:
- Completed
Additional Links
Desperate to start a new life, Imogen and her family move to a small town to bury their secrets. But when they begin to suspect their new home is haunted, the ghosts of their past are not the only ones they have to deal with.
Production Stills
...the storyline is entertaining... all of the actors shine... crisp production design... absolutely beautiful cinematography from John Garrett that makes this picture look like a million bucks... - Horror Buzz
...truly unconventional ghost story... Haydon-Wilson is flawless... she portrays her character with a boldness that never once ignores subtle nuances... has an immense strength... macabre yet intense in its eye-catching allure... - Cryptic Rock